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README badges

If the badges service is enabled, Forgejo makes it possible to add badges - transparently generated by a service like - to your READMEs and other documentation. These badges let you display useful information about your repository within documentation that might also be displayed elsewhere, outside of the forge itself (such as on container information pages, library documentation sites, and so on). Information such as the latest release, stars, pull request and issue information, or Actions workflow statuses.

The badges are returned in SVG format, and are available under the{username}/{repository}/badges path. Forgejo currently supports generating the following badges:

  • /release.svg: The latest release made in the repository.
  • /stars.svg: The number of stars the repository has.
  • /issues.svg: The total number of issues in the repository, open and closed combined.
  • /issues/open.svg: The number of open issues.
  • /issues/closed.svg: The number of closed issues.
  • /pulls.svg: The number of pull requests against the repository, open and closed combined.
  • /pulls/open.svg: The number of open pull requests.
  • /pulls/closed.svg: The number of closed pull requests.
  • /workflows/{workflow_file}/badge.svg: The status of the {workflow_file} workflow. Additional restrictions can be given for this badge by using the branch and/or event query parameters. The branch query parameter will display the status of the workflow from the given branch (defaulting to the repository’s main branch if not explicitly specified), while the event parameter will only display results if a run was triggered by the specified event.

All query parameters not known to Forgejo will be passed along to the badge generator service as-is. If using the default - - generator, this means that query parameters such as style and color will be respected.