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Vagrant Packages Repository

Publish Vagrant packages for your user or organization.


To work with the Vagrant package registry, you need Vagrant and a tool to make HTTP requests like curl.

Publish a package

Publish a Vagrant box by performing a HTTP PUT request to the registry:

ownerThe owner of the package.
package_nameThe package name.
package_versionThe package version, semver compatible.
providerOne of the supported provider names.

Example for uploading a Hyper-V box:

Terminal window
curl --user your_username:your_password_or_token \
--upload-file path/to/your/ \

If you are using 2FA or OAuth use a personal access token instead of the password.

You cannot publish a box if a box of the same name, version and provider already exists. You must delete the existing package first.

The server responds with the following HTTP Status codes.

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
201 CreatedThe package has been published.
400 Bad RequestThe package is invalid.
409 ConflictA package with the same combination of parameters exists already.

Install a package

To install a box from the package registry, execute the following command:

Terminal window
vagrant box add "{owner}/vagrant/{package_name}"
ownerThe owner of the package.
package_nameThe package name.

For example:

Terminal window
vagrant box add ""

This will install the latest version of the package. To add a specific version, use the --box-version parameter. If the registry is private you can pass your personal access token in the VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN environment variable.

Supported commands

vagrant box add